Course catalogue

We are currently offering 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th grade classes through our digital platform.
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Grade levels we currently offer

4th Grade
5th Grade
6th Grade
7th Grade

Engaging and effective teaching

Interactive videos, assessments, and more.

4th grade math subjects covered

Operation properties, basic algebraic expressions, order of operations in classic word problems, fractions, and negative numbers as arithmetic processes.

Interactive video learning

Exceptional video experiences with transcripts, quizzes, and tables of contents.

Engaging and effective training

Interactive videos, assessments, and more.

6th grade math subjects covered

Arithmetic with integers, fractions and decimals, percentages as algebraic concepts, exponentiation, linear equation, some functions and formula from different angles, and further study of algebra.

Interactive video learning

Exceptional video experiences with transcripts, quizzes, and tables of contents.

Engaging and effective training

Interactive videos, assessments, and more.

7th grade math subjects covered

Exponentiation with concepts and computations, algebraic manipulation, Pythagorean Theorem, and computational techniques involving integers and prime numbers.

Interactive video learning

Exceptional video experiences with transcripts, quizzes, and tables of contents.